Congrats friend! Deb and I go way back. But I promise, it wasn't fixed! She is an amazing lady with an extraordinary little baby boy. You can check out her blog by clicking on Noah's pray for me button in the sidebar.
And to everyone else, thanks for all of the comments! I loved finding out who you are. You might be wondering what Monkey did with your names...
They made a good snack! I have no idea why the type is ginormous right now, but I cannot fix it so lets pretend that I am just this excited!
why is the text so big?!?!
why is marlie so cute?
I never win anything!!!
And the coolest thing is that I am in the process of re-doing Noah's room here in Bama!
(and I agree with Myra... Marlie is stinkin' CUTE!)
Marlie is a cutie pie. I want to squish her when I see those pictures. I also want to see your new place some time. It looks awesome! I check your blog often, so I am a faithful groupie now! Bye!
Such cute pics of Miss Marlie- she is getting so big! Hey, isn't your birthday tomorrow? Happy early birthday! By the way- can we hire you to take our pics when we get home (I'm hoping we do get home... someday)? So how long have you b een in the new house? I'd love to see some pics! Can't wait to see you guys once we're home!
Emily (and Samuelito)
Guess I am too late to enter :( I just now found your website - in a very round about way. I became friends with Deb on facebook, looked at her blog and then saw she had a link to yours...I didn't even know you had one...I am such a bad friend (I just saw my wife even beat me to leaving the first Armstrong comment - erg). Very cute site...hope the duggins are doing well! The name monkey pants is hilarious...good work Erin (I know that didn't come from Shane)
I stumbled upon your blog while looking at some one else's and its really cute. marlie looks so much like your baby pics (and if anyone has seen the pics you know that gidget was one of the cutest babies ever that you have to laugh when you look at the picture). hope you guys are settling into your new house well. I kept meaning to call and tell you that if you need me to watch marlie for a coulple hours while you unpack I will. phoebe always loves company.
Hi Erin,
Marlie is adorable, I cannot believe how much she has grown, so CUTE. Anyway, I was looking for your website because I wanted to buy an Artz name sign with my birthday money and found your blog too, so fun. Where did you move to? I had fun catching up with you on your blog. I will place my order soon
Katie Artz
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