Thursday, October 16, 2008

sick little monkey

Sorry folks, no sneak peeks of mini shoot day yet. Maybe later tonight if I can get my act together. Here is Monkey Pants peeking at you though..

Poor Miss Pants is not feeling so hot these days. She woke up the other day with a cold. I took her to the park the other night and she didn't even want to play on the playground. She just sat on the curb, kicked her feet and watched the other kids play. Thats when I knew I had a pretty sick Monkey on my hands. Ug, its the beginning of cold season I guess.

Its getting dark so early these days. When we go to the park the sunset sparkles on the lake and its beautiful. I couldn't resist taking this photo. See the cute older couple on the park bench? I hope that will be Shane and me someday.

I spent last night wading through a table full of paper work and today is full of nose wiping and doctor's visits. I promise I'll do a bunch of editing tonight mini shoot clients and post some late tonight or tomorrow!

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