Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ader Tater

When I was in third grade I rode the bus. Bus #15, and our driver Jan had a huge blonde afro (why do I remember that?). One day there was a spunky little girl across the aisle from me singing Madonna's "Poppa Don't Preach". She was singing loudly and unashamedly, but she had the lyrics wrong. "Poppa don't preach. I'm in double d." She kept saying. I felt Madonna would want me to correct her and so I did. And that is how I met Ada Margaret, who later became Ader Tater my bestest friend. Me and Tater, we was like peas and carrots.

We lived two blocks away from each other which made playing together pretty convenient. We would walk and meet at the end of my street. Our days were full of pretending, usually at least one argument, talking about our new Keds and stretch pants, and lots of dance choreography. I was crushed when she moved away in 5th grade. I gave her my training bras as a going away present. I was a strange child.

Here we are at her going away party in a very blurry old pic...

Ada and I kept in touch on and off over the years. She came back to STL for seminary a few years back and then moved away again after getting married. Coincidentally she and her hubby moved to Tuscaloosa as well, just 5 minutes away from Deb. So, I was so excited to be able to not just visit one sweet friend last week, but two.

Ada has an 8 month old named Mae that I had never met. Oh my gosh. The cuteness! I just couldn't stop smiling at her...

my fav...

Ada, I think she DOES look like you!

After meeting Mae Ada took me out to lunch. She was thinking about where to take me and said with her southern drawl "Do you like meat and three places?" To which I responded "Do I like my meat in what places?"

"Meat and three" restaurants are a southern thing that I had never experienced before. You choose your meat choice from the daily meats and then three vegetables from the list. This is the kind of place where Weight Watchers points are a foreign language. Two of the items listed under vegetables were macaroni and cheese and macaroni salad. But...it was good.

Then of course we needed frozen yogurt from some place called "Yogurt Mountain". It was also very good but I learned a hard lesson. Meat and three + yogurt mountain + my ww trained stomach = some major time doubled over holding my stomach at the airport. Ah well. Thank goodness for $8 pepto at the gift shop.

Here is a very flattering photo of me with Tater after Yogurt Mountain. Love you Ada! Thanks for the great afternoon!


Unknown said...

this made my day!! thanks Erin tader! you are fabulous!

Jeff and Brandi said...

Oh my gosh-is this Ada Appling? What a small world! Ada, your daughter is absolutely adorable!

Cristy said...

hahahaha. I love that. I'm in double d. So cute. Makes me think of her bra size or something.
You two look like you could be sister :)

Amy R. said...

So cute - Mae is beautiful!

Jakki said...

Mae is such a cutie!

I cringe to think of all the song lyrics I totally screwed up as a teenager! Now they have lyrics on line everywhere...lucky ducks.

HOLLYHOWEphotography said...

that pink hat is ADORABLE!!! BEAUTIFUL natural light!