It looked as though it was going to be such a relaxing day. We had a slow going morning at home, no definite plans laid out...
10:30 - we stop by Beth and Weston's to visit and drop off a few things
11:00 - Marlie suddenly stops playing and comes crying to me, holding her eye saying it hurts.
11:30 - She is still upset so we head home. I'm hoping it is just a little scratch and a nap will help.
11:45 - She says she wants to sleep and we lay down together for a nap.
12:50 - She wakes up screaming from her nap. I determine that this isn't just a bad nap wake up, her eye is really hurting.
1:00 - I call her doctor. They are closed from 1:00 - 2:00. Marlie is crying hysterically.
1:10 - We are headed to the local urgent care. Marlie is screaming and waving her head around with her eyes closed like Stevie Wonder. I am freaking out.
1:30 - Urgent care gets us in right away. The doctor attempts to look at Marlie's eye and says "I think she is going to be OK." He sends us off with a prescription for pain meds.
1:45 - We walk across the street and down the block to the grocery store to drop off the prescription. While we are waiting Marlie is still crying and her eye is red. I am beginning to doubt the diagnosis.
1:55 - I can't find my cell phone anywhere. I am holding Marlie and sweating and not feeling so good myself. I determine that I must have left it at Urgent Care. We get her meds.
2:00 - We get our coats back on and walk back to Urgent Care to get my phone.
2:10 - We walk to the parking garage to leave. I am thinking we need a second opinion about the eye because she is still crying.
2:12 - I drive up to the exit window and hand the lady my ticket. She tells me we are over the limit for free parking and I owe her $3. She tells me they only take cash. I have $0 in my wallet.
2:13 - She makes us back up and park and find an ATM. I am crying. Marlie is crying. We get out and walk back to the grocery store and get cash. The grocery store people think I am nuts.
2:20 - We are free from the parking garage. Marlie is still a mess and I decide we need to go to the ER.
2:50 - We meet my MIL at the ER. They get us in right away. Marlie is suddenly chipper and happy and I am feeling stupid for having brought her.
3:30 - I and 2 nurses hold Marlie down so they can put some dye in her eye. It is horrible. They determine it is in fact scratched and prescribe some antibiotics drops.
3:45 - Shane arrives just as all of the drama is over. Marlie perks up and is excited about stickers and Shane is wondering why the heck I brought this happy kid to the ER.
4:30 - We are all back home. Marlie's eye is watering but looks much better. I feel horrible and realize my cold is back with vengeance.
4:45 - I am sitting on the ground having a pitty party talking to Marlie...
me: Marlie I don't feel good, can I have a hug? We had quite the day didn't we?
M: Yeah mom, we had a big adbenture.
That's one way to put it Monkey Pants.