Monday, January 26, 2009

And the winner is...

Here are some grainy and blurry pics of Monkey Pants drawing the winner this morning. Bed head and all. The winner is....

Lindsey Post! Congrats Lindsey. Email me with your mailing address and your earrings will be on their way!

Now I want you to meet the little guy that makes up my new banner.
This is Keegan. He came for a visit on Friday with his proud parents. Remember Molly from the maternity shoot?



Oh my goodness. So tiny.

This apple hat and booties are from Lass and Laddie. I went looking for the perfect little prop for a boy and couldn't pass these up.

It was nice to meet you Keegan!


Unknown said...

Oh ERIN! These are unbelievable. We both just sat and stared at the screen as the minutes clicked by. We couldn't be happier with the photos. You are a true talent, gifted with a patience beyond most to wait out Keegan's crying and pooping and burping to get so many AWESOME shots. Thank you so very much for the gift you have given us, we will cherish these for many years to come.

Anonymous said...

Erin- You are quite the blogger...I never knew you were SO FUNNY....I mean that as a compliment:) What a cute baby! All of this tech stuff is go girl! and you really do not need to loose are beautiful. Hey- 5 lbs is AMAZING! We missed Marlie on Fri night...rain check!