Sunday, March 15, 2009

Kids for Kairos

You may remember our friends the Armstrongs and their little boy Samuel that they adopted from Guatemala. A few weeks ago Emily posted a link on her blog about The Kairos Christian School in Antigua. The school was started by a local woman who's mission is to be able to offer a quality education to the children who's families cannot afford the traditional schools. When I clicked on the link and saw the sweet faces of the children I melted. I knew I wanted to do something to help. So this is the idea that I came up with. On April 18th I will be doing a mini shoot day for children of any age called...

The cost is $100. You will receive a 30 minute session and 10-15 full res images on disc. ALL of the proceeds from these mini shoots will go to the Kairos Christian School. Its a win win people! You get great photos of your kids and we can help this school help the kids of Antigua. The mini shoots will be held in Lafayette Park from 9:00 - 3:00. Call me or email me if you would like to reserve a spot. Lets fill up those slots and raise as much money for them as we can!

For most people in these tough economic times money is tight right now. I get that. I totally understand. So, to soften the blow a little I will be offering a series of mini shoot days throughout the spring and summer. Finding extra money in the budget for things like photography can be hard so maybe a mini shoot is what you need. I want to let this "Kids for Kairos" post sit here for a bit so everyone who visits in the next few days sees it, but pretty soon I'll tell you more about...

Love in Lafayette (for couples)
Young and Urban (for teens)
Families in Forest Park (for well... families)
Toddlers and Trains (still working out some kinks on this one)
Bring it on Brides (atypical bridal portraits)

Stay tuned for the details on those and spread the word about Kids for Kairos!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are one amazing person! Can I just say I got goosebumps reading this? My heart is so broken by the precious kids and I'm so excited to see how God breaks other people's hearts and moves them to action. Thank you!! We are in the initial stages of organizing a group from our church to go down and work at Kairos to do a construction project hopefully in the fall. This is awesome! Wish we were closer so we could be there for a mini-shoot!!