Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Hays Morgan

Hays Morgan Duggin made his entrance a month ago tomorrow and I've been trying ever since to find the time to write this post :). The weeks leading up to his birth were some of the hardest in my life so far due to kidney stones. We were so ready for this little guy to come! Without going in to too much detail, it turns out that those kidney stones probably saved Hays' and my life. They kept me off of my feet, kept me from picking up Tate, kept me from going about my normal life. At the time that seemed horrible, but the Lord knew I needed that rest to keep Hays and me safe. I never thought I would say this, but I'm so thankful for those kidney stones. My friend Emily came to the hospital shortly after Hays was born to snap a few priceless photos for us.
Hays has lots of dark hair, dark eyes and looks a lot like Marlie did when she was a newborn with a dash of what Tate looked like.
Marlie and Tate are adjusting pretty well to having this new little guy around. Its busy around here, and loud, and messy, but wonderful. We love you Hays.


Sarah Call said...

Congrats on your new little guy! He's precious and I love the name.

yogaseven said...
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