Marlie, it absolutely cannot be true that you are 5 years old. Its just too big. For five years you've been making me laugh and keeping me on my toes.
You are full of energy all of the time. Like bouncing off the walls energy that makes me smile and also makes me long for a nap :).
You LOVE school. I'm sure that you will be ready for kindergarten in the fall. You love to dance. You love anything pink and sparkly. You love to be outside. You love your little brother. You love people. Half of the time you are the one introducing me to a new friend at the park.
This was a big year for you. You went from being our one and only, to one of two and its been a little rough. Pretty soon there will be a third and I worry a little bit about how you will do, but we'll work out the kinks together. You will always be my first kiddo. I love you to pieces.